I miss the sun.
I can't help but snicker at myself (largely because I've entered the hysterical portion of exhaustion), because I do this to myself every quarter without fail. No matter how on-the-ball I am throughout the quarter, finals week is Procrastination Station.
(Procrastination Station -- What kind of station would that be? All the passengers putting off waiting?)
Inevitably I pull an all-nighter (or two) and end up blogging incoherently because at least when I'm blogging I look like I'm working hard (we must keep up appearances for the other early-morning-library-dwellers).
But I must look on the bright side (caffeine would certainly help in that endeavor): only one more set of finals in my undergraduate career.
...If I make it through this set ....
And now, an image for my amusement:

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