Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A confession and a change

I have a confession: I don't like Jimi Hendrix. I can admit and admire his wicked guitar skills, but on the whole his songs do nothing for me. Not a thing.

Does that make me un-American? At least un-hip. Probably not racist.

Well, I'm glad to get that off my chest. I've been editing my Pandora radio preferences and feel a twinge of guilt every time I covertly check Jimi's songs "I don't like it."

[If you're not familiar with Pandora radio, please visit this site: It's fantastic, free, and introduces you to a bunch of new artists based on your current musical preferences.]

Well, I've just stumbled upon the discovery that a group of my friends are using that archaic dinosaur of a blogging source, LiveJournal on a regular basis. Thus, to accommodate my new blogging community, I'm going to copy-paste my real blog posts (at into LJ. Now, this somewhat pretentious declaration almost makes it sound like I blog on a regular basis, but that would be a disappointing misconception.

On that note, I should mention that I am in the thick of Winter Quarter finals. I cannot help but reflect on the past quarter (the only guilt-free way of procrastinating). Usually, Winter quarter is wretched -- the weather, the general glum attitudes, classes. But this quarter i was delightfully surprised. Maybe because this is my last Winter Quarter at OU, but I had a lot of fun, learned a lot, and got some priorities in order. At the beginning of the quarter I was gearing up for grad school auditions, now I'm applying for work visas abroad. At the beginning of the quarter, I anticipated a quiet, focused few months. Instead, the past three months have witnessed the development of some of the best relationships of my life: I started hanging out with this awesome woman Draga, and got much closer to Charlotte. If you know these ladies, you'd know it was assuredly a very adventurous quarter. Furthermore, I've really come to view my roommates as a family of sorts -- dysfunctional in some ways, but what families aren't?

Next quarter will be even better because I plan on seeing my other favorites some as well -- I'm going to go celebrate graduating with my other half (LMF1), Sama is going to come visit me (or death), and my gorgeous neighbor Carolyn is going to become much more familiar with the inside of my apartment. Also, despite my 20 credit-hour workload, I'm going to have fun next quarter! I'm going to make memories by the boat-loads! Watch out Athens -- Lindsey is sucking the fun out of you in her final quarter on your grounds.

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