Monday, September 10, 2007

Will global dimming prove parallel to the dimming of the American population?

“I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.” –Charles A. Cooley

Independent of the above quote, I ramble:
Last Saturday night I came home, not quite sober, to plop down on the most uncomfortable couch in the world and flip on the tube. On the tv,"Global Dimming," a NOVA production outlining the lesser talked about global disaster precipitated by humans. It seems that the pollutants we release into the atmosphere (more specifically, sulfur) is preventing sunlight from reaching earth. This atmospheric disturbance has effected evaporation and certain plant-life. Great.

The good ... er, not-as-horrible ... news? That this particular condition has prevented what was titled so terrifyingly as "Accelerated Global Warming." Charming. Basically, we've saved ourselves from accelerated global warming by blocking the sun's rays. We messed up . . .but we messed up in such a way to preserve our environment for, say, 20 more years.

I was understandably upset, as I am any time the disaster-of-an-environment topic is broached (and often when it is not). But then, in my non-sobriety, I felt a swelling of pride for NOVA and it's journalistic qualities. A glimmer of hope shone through the clouds of my fatalism -- maybe such documentaries will reach just enough people to make an impact. Fear tactics -- it's all we have left.

To read more about Global Dimming, visit the NOVA site:

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