Saturday, January 5, 2008

Winter Quarter, the last

The winter break has come to end and I'm back in Athens, Ohio, awaiting the new quarter. I spent this break in beautiful, reclusive laziness. In my nearly 7 weeks of break I read more than 10 novels, a play, and a book on acting: a two-month vacation from reality. Which means that now I'm back to the grindstone -- my nose, and all the rest of me.

I suppose I should be staggered by the mere idea of graduating in 2 quarters -- a mere 6 months. Maybe I just haven't figured it out yet, or maybe (*gasp*) I'm just ready. I love Athens, but I love it like I love wine: never mixed with rum ... oh, and in moderation. Doubtless I'm going to miss it when I'm gone, but at this moment I feel a little bit stuck.

Everything feels like it's in flux: My mindset as I shift into graduation gear and work on grad school stuff; My home, since my parents are moving into my aunt's house; my expectations -- for the first time I have no idea what's going to happen in the next 6 months, or year. Insanity. I wish I could run away to Europe, or even better, Hogwarts.

Classes start tomorrow. I have a list of things to do 20 items long. Therefore, I'm going to quelch my rambling.

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