The quarter is over and I am ashamed that I have been so delinquent in my blogging. ("Blogging" is such an unnattractive word -- it makes me think of word barfing.) But I digress, the quarter is over and Winter Break has finally arrived!
I can't believe how quickly this past quarter flew and how much my plans have changed since the beginning. I went to school in September with only a hazy idea of what I wanted to do after graduation, and here I am applying for grad schools (which, by the way, is very stressful. Fortunately, I have a host of grad school afficionados to help me!).
I learned a ton this quarter -- especially as far as acting goes. I chuckle when I think of my beginning-of-the-quarter-acting studio. We've grown ten-fold in 10 weeks. Of course, we have fantastic coaches/professors/advisors. I also got to direct my first show, Some Girls, and star in my first School of Theater show, How He Lied to Her Husband (see picture to the left) . Yowsers, it was a busy quarter!!
And then, after finals were over on Saturday, I got to come home to Cinci for all of 12 hours. It's so great to be around my family -- refreshing. On Sunday we headed to Grandma Goat/Aunt Kathy's house (yes, one and the same person; no, we are not from Arkansas) . That was the most relaxing, sleep-ful, food-saturated trip ever. I would wake up, eat, sleep from food-comatose, wake up, eat some more, and the cycle continued. I snuck an appointment with Dr. Hoag (sp?) my alternative-medicine Kinesiologist, whom I love and admire. (You've got a problem with alternative medicine, come talk to me so I can punch you in the face). =P
I have a lot of things planned for this winter break. Work, grad school, reading for fun, finding monologues.... It's going to be a great break!